Thursday, February 23, 2012


Our assignment was based on alignment. Our alignment image was to reflect the use of alignment out of our textbook. Our image was to utilize the same types of alignment and create a comparable image to the image found at the bottom of page 85 in the text.

I chose a plumbing theme rather than the furniture business in order to make the image more my own. The same layout is found in this image as in the textbook image. The words, images, and colors however are different. The text at the top in light blue is aligned to the left as are the two columns at the bottom. The main middle section is centered. The small "MILLER & CLEAR" in the bottom right corner is centered below the second column. Overall there was not much creativity involved with this image however it was effective in portraying the ideas of alignment and how they can affect an image.


Part of class emphasized, emphasis. The goal of emphasis is not simply to make a component of an image stand out but give purpose to the differences within the image. I found an image at and then edited it to show emphasis.



The image has a clear emphasis on the red shirt. In Photoshop I selected everything except for the shirt and adjusted the saturation. I created a strong difference between the shirt and the rest of the image to show that the shirt was most important but the rest of the image was still relevant. I added a caption, "BE BOLD" in order provide the image with additional purpose. This image could be used as an advertisement for the shirts manufacturer. The theme is that if you wear these shirts you will stand out and be noticed. I think that this image effectively utilizes the composition element of emphasis to portray a useful meaning.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Learning Through Visuals and Harmony

In class we talked about harmony within our visual images. We discovered through our reading that harmony can take on several forms including, repetition and visual echo. The assignment for class was to effectively portray a lesson of some sort through the use of these features. I chose money as my topic. The entire content of the image relates to this theme. As you can see in the following image money equivalencies are not difficult to portray visually and may even be the best way to teach about money early on in elementary school.

After looking at the image the repetition of coins is obvious. From one line to the next coins are reused to take the next step in reaching a full dollar. The arrows and lines within the image are also repeated in a consistent manner to ensure the thought of equivalencies. There is visual echo through the colors that I choose. I used the dropper tool to select colors from within the dollar bill for the background, lines, and arrows. I selected a color from the penny for the border so that the pennies would not seem out of place and removed from the piece as a whole. I believe this to be an effective lesson for students and an effective use of harmony within an image to create a common theme.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Me Poster Via grouping

In class we were asked to create an image using shapes, colors, grouping, and spacing that came together to describe one attribute about ourselves. The following image depicts a word that I believe describes me:

Can you guess the word?

The word is "ENTHUSIASTIC." The text is spaced apart to create a feeling of excitement. The text itself are exclamations that an enthusiastic person might be heard saying. The exclamation point top and bottom border help control the picture but still add to the excitement. The person's silhouette and bright colored confetti grouped in the middle and top of the image drive the point home that something is happening that might be exciting and that the person is enthusiastic about it. What do you think?

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Grouping for Meaning

Today's assignment involved grouping similar shapes to evoke a feeling or emotion. With only shapes positioned in purposeful ways, ideas can be presented, which is the goal of the project.  Each of the following images has a theme listed at the top followed by ten of the same basic shape. Within each image the shapes may have been rotated, re-sized, re-colored or a combination of the three. Below each image you will find a brief description of the thought that went into each image.

Unity can be described a oneness and togetherness. A circle is a good fit for this because it has no beginning and no end, it is simply one being. A circle can also be representative of a ring which could represent the unity of two people. The unity of the world is through the Olympics, which has a symbol made of rings. Placing all ten X's in a circle shows that they belong together; they are the same color and size. They are unified.

When I first think of celebrations I first think of fireworks. They are many colors like confetti and they are different sizes, but they are concentrated in one area of the sky. The cluster of explosion shapes in this image are set to represent fireworks. The colors reflect happiness and the many shapes create a more loose free form feeling rather than a rigid pattern.

Isolation is not usually a happy or fun feeling. It is the feeling of being alone or excluded. In this image there is a group of shapes in a stiff obvious pattern. They fit together well and do not show any room for additions. Then down in the corner one additional shape, of a different color, sits with a small shadow to emphasize its loneliness.

When I think of escaping I usually think of breaking free of jail. The ordered line of boxes represents a wall or barrier. The three blocks that are smaller and appear to be falling are in place to make it seem as if the wall is breaking and allowing for escape. The small blocks are also escaping from the conformity of the other linear blocks. In several ways this image can make the viewer think about escape.

This image is one of the more obvious visuals. The nine larger arrows create a half circle and are all working together to put some sort of pressure on the single smaller arrow in the center. The viewer can relate to being on one or maybe both sides of this intimidation imagery.

Logic is a type of thinking. Thinking can help solve problems, many times logically. In this case it shows that it is logical when two is added to three the result is five. It actually took logical thinking to come up with the design. I had to determine how I could create a simple math problem out of only ten items. The grouping of the content creates the thought of logic through the solving of a problem.

Anarchy can be described as no order and lawless. There are few governing rules to this image. The lightning bolts are faced in several different directions and are scattered about the frame. This image has no pattern and no one piece that stands out. This grouping gives the feeling of disorganization.