Thursday, March 29, 2012

CoE Competencies

Last week we were given the assignment, via the College of Education, to create posters that represented the eleven competencies that are necessary for all education majors to understand for the national accreditation that is up coming. The poster that my group of three designed follows:

We designed the eleven icons found on this poster to represent the competencies stated above each one. We utilized Photoshop t design the icons and the poster as a whole. I personally created the icons for disposition, pedagogy, diversity, and content knowledge. My partners created the rest and we put together the poster as a group. We deliberately grouped the icons into the three main groups with two outlying icons which were not placed into a specific group. The upper left grouping represents both the ways teachers and students should go about their work. The upper right group of icons shows necessary part of a teacher's daily routine. The middle group contains things that a teacher must keep in mind as he or she teaches.

We picked JMU colors and created good spacing to make grouping obvious and keep the clutter down. We made the text large and legible so that is could be read on the 11 x 17 paper it will be printed on. Each aspect of the poster has some sort of intentional design. The circles work better as icons, the images represent the word correctly, and the grouping, colors, and spacing all contribute to an effective, polished, poster. My group as a whole believes that it represents the competencies and the JMU CoE in its entirety.

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